Kelsey Reid Sherard
Internship Projects
FirstLine Therapy Marketing Strategy
Click here to print the Marketing Strategy.

My project for the Sullivan Center was to create a brochure for potential patients explaining the FirstLine Therapy program. This brochure was meant to educate the patient as well help market the program. I utilized my healthy literacy training while explaining the effects of a bad diet on the body and probiotics; it was my goal that I not only described the program but that I used common terminology so that the patient would understand the program provided. After I completed the brochure I then created a marketing plan that served as a potential timeline for a marketing strategy for the brochure with the anticipations that more people would become apart of the program.
This project correlated best with my Health Intervention Evaluation Goal. This goal was that by the end of my internship experience, I would be able to describe how the Sullivan Center evaluates the effectiveness of their community programs such as the Wise Woman Program, C U Well, and C U 4 Health. Although FirstLine Therapy was not included in the programs in the goal, I still evaluated the effectiveness of a program provided by the Sullivan Center. The Center noticed that they could provide more care to more patients so a marketing strategy was put into place. This marketing strategy includes proposed marketing outlets including specific radio stations, newspapers, and websites. Three flyers were also created which highlighted three potential social media events. These events were created in hopes to increase patient and provider interaction, which would potentially build a sense of patient community and would increase the chances of the patient making steps to a healthier lifestyle.
Click on the button above for the printable version.
FLT Marketing Flyers

Click on the flyers below for the printable versions.
Emergency Kit and AED Schedules
To the right you will see an Emergency kit and AED schedule. During a Monday staff meeting the problem of keeping track of the several Emergency Kits and AEDs that the Center had arose. I created these schedules that served as a “sign in/ sign out” method so that at any given point in time the center would know who had what kit or AED, how long they have had it, and what offsite clinic that they are at that day.