Kelsey Reid Sherard

My internship for the fall semester was at the Joseph F. Sullivan at the bottom of Edward's Hall on Clemson University's campus. This clinic includes medical doctors, nurse practitioners and registered nurses who serve both Clemson’s faculty and individuals throughout the Upstate. The center not only sees sick patients but also provides care through programs such as the CU4Health, Best Chance Network, Wise Woman and FirstLine Therapy. One of my favorite programs that the Center offers is care to migrant workers through the mobile unit that serves as a fully functioning mobile clinic.
Internship PowerPoint

A program offered by the Sullivan Center.

The Sullivan Center is located in Edwards Hall.

The view from the first floor of Edwards Hall.

A program offered by the Sullivan Center.
Featured to the left is a glimpse of my everyday routine as an intern. This PowerPoint not only shows vitals and patient intake but also the in-house tests and sanitary obligations that an intern at the Sullivan Center performs. Throughout the captions you will read side notes that have come from a semester’s experience of proper sanitation measures and patient etiquette. These extra measures are performed everyday to make sure that the patient is not only safe from contamination but feels comfortable - which allow us to provide the best care possible.
I believe that I have accomplished many of my goals for this internship this semester. To be more specific I feel that I best completed my Health Assessment Goal, which was "throughout my time at the Sullivan Center I plan to master the techniques of taking patient’s vital signs and health history." One of my largest contributions at the Sullivan Center was to take care of patient intake, which includes taking vitals and patient health history. At the beginning of my internship Mrs. Garcia oversaw our patient interactions and charting of reasons for visit.
Another Health Assessment Goal that I accomplished was "throughout my internship I will perform the correct cleaning and sanitation techniques for patient rooms and equipment." Learning the correct sanitary measures was very important throughout my internship, especially when we had a lot of patients throughout the day. Mrs. Garcia taught me which materials to use on which surface and how to properly clean the utensils.
I believe that I did not just meet these goals but that I exceled in these areas. These duties may seem small, but they were very important in delivering healthcare to patients, especially several at a time. I believe that a healthcare center cannot run efficiently unless it has clean utensils to perform the procedures and a sanitary area to treat patients.