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Below is relevant coursework that I have completed throughout my undergraduate study at Clemson University. All of these assignments were completed throughout the Health Science department and the English department. 

Healthcare Promotion Program Planning Health Proposal 

During my Healthcare Promotion Program Planning course I completed a health proposal titled "SIP" or Safe Intercourse Plan. My group created a proposal which introduces the idea that teenage sexually transmitted infection rates will decrease if ,especially in the college population, they are required to attend a safe sex course. Click on the button to the right to download the health proposal. 

Health Determinants Health Proposal 

In a Health Determinants course we were required to create a health proposal explaining the reasons for certain health epidemics. I created a proposal titled "Dietary Sugar Intake of Children and Young Adults", which evaluated factors, diagnoses, and treatments to unhealthy children and young adults. 

Public Health and
Adderall Abuse 

In my Introduction to Health Science course I was assigned to create a video about a current health problem in our nation. Our group chose the topic of Adderall abuse amoung the college population and has had over 400 views on the internet. Click the button to the left to take a peek. 

Course Design Portfolio

In my World Literature class our final project was to create a lesson plan that included activities and relevant unit of studies.  I chose to create my lesson plan from the original fairytales and to contrast these stories to Walt Disney's movies. We also had to coordinate our lesson plans with both the University's guidelines and the General Education Competencies.  

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