Kelsey Reid Sherard
On Campus Involvement
Below are the organizations that I am involved in on Clemson University's campus. My positions vary from one organization to another, some I have had the priveldge to serve as an officer and some I am just an active member. I believe that being a busy student is very important and I am very honored to serve the positions that I have.

Eta Sigma Gamma
Gamma Chi Chapter

Delta Delta Delta
Beta Theta Chapter
Being a member of this organization has probably had the greatest impact on my undergraduate life at Clemson University. Not only have I learned so many things from this organization such as time management, leadership skills, but I was introduced to older girls who were in my major and had access to free tutoring and received great advice on which classes and teachers to take during my undergradute experience. One of my favorite parts of Tridelta is our philanthropy, which is St. Jude's Research Hospital. We are currently in our largest financial pledge to St. Jude and have committed to raising $60 million in 10 years to build the short-term patient housing facility. You will also see activity that our Beta Theta chapter has done around our community. In the fall of 2014, our chapter raised $15,000 to help a young boy with cancer for a blood transfusion and other monetary needs the family may need. I am also so proud to say that in 2014 our chapter won the "Intellectual Life" award as we had the highest GPA throughout all chapters of Tridelta all over the world.
During the year of 2014 I had the honor to serve as Tridelta's New Member Educator. This position serves a year long term and acts as the laison between the new members and the chapter before initiation. During my time serving as the NME I managed the nearly $9,000 budget, scheduled activities for the new members, educated the girls on the organization's history, served on a panel of risk management officers and helped girls with the sometimes difficult transition from highschool to college.This oppurtunity not only taught me a lot about myself but also how to be the best leader that I could be. I also refined my people skills by working with others on common goals and discovered the best solutions to serious subjects such as risk managment. During my term I served as an advisor for 70 freshman and sophomores.
Eta Sigma is a national health education honorary that has a chapter on Clemson's campus. The mission statement of Eta Sigma Gamma is "to promote the discipline by elevating the standards, ideals, competence and ethics of professionally prepared men and women in Health Education." The Clemson chapter hosts the National Public Health Week around campus and schedules different events throughout the week to promote healthy behaviors.
The recruitment process at Clemson starts in the first few weeks of school and can be a very hectic process. The National Panhellenic Committee selects around eighty members of panhellenic out of four hundred applicants to help with this process. I will become a representative of all of panhellenic during the weeks of recruitment and will be in charge of around twenty girls as they start their college journey.

Clemson University Pi Chi
Tridelta members in the Tridelta wing of St. Jude.
Members at a philanthropy event.
Our chapter presenting a $15,000
check to a local family.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes program at Clemson is one, if not the, largest student-led organization in the nation. Meetings start at 9:19 on Thursday evenings in the historic Tillman Hall.